

My name is George W. Martin. I’m a writer, and I created this web site to display my works and to clarify some questions concerning them.

To confront confusion about my name
I started publishing books and articles under the name George Martin. A reasonable idea, it seemed. But then others named George Martin began to crowd the field, others such as the producer of the Beatles’ records, now Sir George Martin. Then to distinguish me from him and others, the Library of Congress, without consultation, began to catalogue my books under the name George Whitney Martin, and other cataloguers began to use George W. Martin. So, trying to reduce the confusion I began in 2011 to publish under the name George W. Martin. Another reasonable idea, it seemed. But as a result, depending on where you look I may be any of three persons, George Martin, George Whitney Martin, or George W. Martin -- though always one and the same.

Topical Variety
I write on a variety of subjects, which from a purely marketing point of view may be a mistake. For marketing, better to write ten books on one subject, than two books each on five. Stores, book reviewers, and even perhaps the public find it easier to peg the author. But I like the variety, and I think the cross-pollination of several fields gives a roundness, a richer social and cultural texture, to the writing. My chief fields, however, are reflected in the web pages listed at upper left: On Giuseppe Verdi, opera composer; on Opera in general, two guides; several Biographies (with an emphasis on New York City history), one of which won a prize; certain aspects of the Law, especially fighting corruption in New York City; a Fable on needless war (with illustrations by Fred Gwynne, the actor), and a History of nineteenth-century Italy: Garibaldi and his red shirts winning half of Italy, Mazzini, the thinker and revolutionary, and Cavour, the statesman, all helping to make Italy a nation, free and united.

Finding my books

Most of these books are in print, in hard back or in paper. Those that are not have a lively life in the second hand market. All have proven their staying power. Where I can, I provided links to potential sources.

Turn the page. Read on.     George W. Martin